3.5, full of cliche, but also a hell lot of fun. 剧情比第一部说得过去切时间线的处理也还算不错一言不合就唱歌算是signature至少年轻这辈演员会唱毛晓彤个人资料简介特别Lily James和演young Bill的Josh Dylan三位爹是真的毫无偶像包袱Bill和Harry的船头Jack&Rose造型我是忘不掉了Irvine说Colin和Stellan在片场有love affair我信这么一部欢欢喜喜唱唱跳跳的电影更让我觉得七八月是属于地中海的月份BTWAndy Garcia比布鲁斯南和Skarsgård小怎么就演起Sophie的爷爷辈了还有剧组的fake tan怕是不要钱
Melody:Fifty years’ happiness.How long is 50 years? Daniel:Er,a hundrrred and fifty school terms. Melody: Will you love me that long? I don’t think you will. Daniel: Of cause I’ve loved you a whole week already,haven’t I?